

Jesus that's a lot of shit to comment on.

Top 10 Pursuits - also in no particular order....
1. Travel
2. Learning - from all sources including books, tv, radio, internet
3. Movies
4. Reading for pleasure
5. Music - listening mostly
6. Undirected outrage - political mostly
7. Home improvement, woodworking
8. Friends and family
9. Physical activity - basketball mostly recently
10. Other creative stuff - drawing, sculpting

#2 Albums:
1. Coldplay - X & Y
Just like Coldplay
2. Decemberists - Picaresque
Heard on NPR - first ever downloaded album
3. Cake - Pressure Chief
Just like Cake
4. Pinback - Summer in Abbadon
Recommended by Faith's cousin
5. Kill Bill Soundtrack
For Faith - good though

No particular rhyme or reason to album purchasing. If something grabs my attention enough to buy it, I'll buy it.

#3 Political/Philospohical Baby
I guess that economic disparity is the root of most evil in the world and that a society seen almost universally as wasteful is doing itself no favors.

#4 Which calls me
1. The sea - always changing, vast and powerful
2. Mountains - majestic
3. Desert - I think, but not having done it, who knows
4. Lake - this one I know...
5. Forest - solitude
6. Prairie - vast and beautiful, particularly in morning and evening light

#5 Guilty pleasure
I have been known to get sucked into any of the various total trash shows, like Blind Date or Cheaters. Horrible stuff, but titillating.

Would watch Simpsons in a heartbeat if given the choice with one of the above.


Dan said...

Wonderful! Interesting that we are at nearly opposite ends with respect to The Sea.

I, too, have gotten sucked into Trash TV, but not enough times with any individual show to be considered anything approximating a regular basis. Of the late night, awful collection including Cheaters, Blind Date, Fear Factor, etc. I've probably seen no more than 2 episodes of any given one of them, but most of them at least once, on given nights of absolute anti-inertia.

Pat said...

I certainly do not watch those shows with regularity. Once a month maybe, once every couple months....

Ahh inertia, our couch tethered friend.