
What was I thinking?

The "What Was I (Were We) Thinking List

1. Wading in swollen, farm chemical laden, flood ravaged creek waters in W'Loo. Classic buffoonery.

2. All day camel 'safari' in Rajasthan, India. Baking hot, little water, drank mostly neighborly chai all day. Peed brown and had an extra hole in my ass. Mostly a problem of poor planning. Hole in ass eventually required surgery to fix.

3. Semester long bike commute in Rome. Single gear 'mountain bike', no helmet in city of 7 hills and some of the craziest drivers on earth. 2 accidents, one leaving a scar on my chin to this day. Other one was far scarier, having been hit from behind at speed, bending my rear tire in half. Lucky to have been wearing jeans and managing to keep head from hitting pavement.

4. Driving from W'loo to Ames to visit Faith during ice storm when state police recommended no driving at all. Don't recall seeing another car the entire way. Ahh, what hormones will get you to do.

5. Any of various electrical misadventures in early stages of home improvement. Several times wild shocks and sparks shooting across the room. I now am diligent about shutting off the power, having spent the time to map the circuits in my house.

6. The original February Freeeze-Off. The all time number one classic buffoonery. Ill equipped. Insanely questionable logic. It had it all.

There should be perhaps a list of classic buffoonery, which would overlap some with this list.

1 comment:

Dan said...

God, forgot all about the freeze-offs, of which the first (no trail pad, already-wet jeans) was the most nuts.

I'm certain I have a few late night and/or inclement weather ones that could make one of these lists.