I've been keeping accurate records of gas mileage in an Excel spreadsheet I made (exciting!). It dawned on me that Excel can poop out graphs fairly easily. Of course, I couldn't help embellishing with Photoshop.
Not a good curve going on there at the end. Not good at all.
Consider this a thread for bitching about gas prices or imagining a future where gas prices don't matter.
Wow, look at those gas prices go down right before the November 06 elections!
I'll go with supporting a world where gas prices don't matter.
Or, at least, the commuter/consumer has a choice, in certain instances, on how one gets around.
For example, in this area, Amtrak is tentatively planning (for real now, I understand) a direct line from Iowa City to Chicago. I suspect there's counterarguments that factor in the energy used to propel a train that distance on a regular basis, but I'm stil for it. So many people in I.C. use cars to commute that distance right now.
It looks very ominous. YOu are a graph wizard.
I am car pooling next school year with three other coworkers. We each will drive one week per month. That should help the pocket book as well as the Earth.
According to a thing I keep hearing on NPR about trains, one gallon of fuel and move one ton of freight 400 miles.
You can get yourself one of those little trains that you find in parades and take that bastard to work each day. How many trips to work and back can you get on one gallon with that?
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