The first brought us 8 inches of snow and me a 4 hour commute that would normally take 45 minutes (back home from a meeting).
The second brought almost a foot of snow, which I shoveled most of upon the storm's completion, and just before the temperature went up and it rained for a couple of hours. So now we have about 16 inches of snow on the ground and drifts/piles as high as me all coated in a layer of ice (not unlike Magic Shell, though less delicious). Sidewalks are like skating rinks and the roads around my house are about half the width they are normally.
If this keeps up, we may build an addition on our house using Inuit igloo methods. I have no idea where all the snow will go. We've got more snow right now than well into February last year. Plus, it's about 20 degrees colder than our normal average temperature.
On the flip side, there is no question that we're going to have a white Christmas, and all the snow makes our otherwise gloomy December much brighter.
Much milder here, though we also have more snow for this time (and colder temps) than we have for years.
The downside: everyone was wondering why traffic had done so well without the 36W bridge. Well, it was because they had opened up the shoulder on numerous other highways for traffic. Of course, that's where they have traditionally shoveled snow out of the traffic lanes, and so now - DOH!
I hope that snow melts into those lakes and ponds that have bben drying up around your parts for years. I remember a few years ago when there was some serious discussion on the water levels out there. Maybe this will help a little?
We're not in the same league of drought as places like Atlanta and Raleigh-Durham (let alone Phoenix and Las Vegas). As far as I know our excessive rainfall over the last few years has alleviated any real water shortage we have, at least relative to most places.
We seem to be one of those places that is experiencing climate change by getting more precipitation than normal, with less emphasis on increased temperature.
Obviously climate change is not something to compare year to year, but that's all I've got.
16 inches! Wow - do you wish you were still in summer?
I wish I was still in the womb.
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