Our snapping turtle was back again this morning, now for the third year.
This time I saw the eggs, about 18 of them. And when she was done she made a helter skelter bee-line for the lake going off retaining walls, and moving like a turtle rocketship.
Sometime in late August through October we may have turtle babies.
Eighteen young snapping turtles lurking around in the water right off your bank. Remind me to plan my next visit during the non-swimming season.
You've seen the documentaries of sea turtles, digging their way out of the sand and rushing out to sea, with a survival rate of about 0.
That, and I've never seen a turtle while swimming or boating. It's very possible they hang out in the marsh where the food is more plentiful.
All true. I would guess these guys have a much higher probability of success-at least getting out to the water. Not too many predators around.
Dogs and great blue herons.
And great egrets (I remember that post). And racoons, I imagine. And you forget the most dangerous enemy of all: MAN, Mr. Snapping Turtle Huevos Rancheros.
awesome ! Does Primus attempt to sniff them out?
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