Dear Senators Kerry/Kennedy,
The Democratic leadership's response to the censure resolution offered by Senator Feingold has been underwhelming at best. This stands in stark contrast to the censure resolution offered against President Clinton in 1999.
Democratic leadership has become almost an oxymoron. From the outside it almost always appears that our Democratic senators and representatives are waiting for an opportunity that never comes to show resolve. Always thinking that those on the other side of the aisle will do the right thing.
Well, the time is now, and they never will. The saying, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me has acquired a poignancy that is now almost ridiculous in 'bipartisan' dealings. Democrats seem to think that compromise is possible, and while that is a noble goal, recent history has shown that you have yielded the opposition the high ground in every uphill battle. Please stop.
The president has broken the law and admitted to doing so. He also is EXTREMELY unpopular. You and your colleagues need to agree on how to frame the debate in a way that makes the situation crystal clear to the American people. They agree with you when they are told the truth, so use that to your advantage.
I am appreciative of all that you have done for the country, but enough is enough. This is the time to take a stand.
Patrick Mixdorf
Wonderful! It may not be these two senators that are letting us down (maybe Kerry in the past, but not now). Likewise with Dayton over here.
Also in my neck of the woods, slimiest of the slimeys (Norm Coleman) started officially talking about the president needing to "shake things up." That's the next great spin out of the White House: everybody is at fault EXCEPT the man at the top. I would love to see one of these senior cabinet members totally take the fall for him, then get pissed off about it. Poo-pooing a disgruntled 4-star general here or an assistant deputy of something or other there is one thing, but if someone like Rumsfeld or Cheney took the fall for him and came back swinging, look out.
Yesterday most of the prominent Democrats were falling over each other to run away from this Censure Resolution. I think they'll probably change, but jeez, it shouldn't be such a god damn political calculation every damn time. Somethings should just feel right in your bones.
It's such a house of cards. Not sure that Rummy or Cheney would come back swinging. The skeletons in their closets are many, and you know Rove, as the scorekeeper, knows about them all.
It's just been amazing, watching this presidency unfold since 1999. It's beyond Nixon-like proportions now, and yet people (not just the Democratic party) are simply not outraged enough.
No, not nearly outraged enough.
It could be the public simply chooses their favorite lockstep pundit, and sticks with that person as their main source of political news and commentary. My dad keeps telling me to read Ann Coulter. I tell him I do, but not for the same reasons he does.
Boy, you have to be a rabid wacko to get anything of substance from Ann Coulter, no offense to your father.
I certainly wouldn't and don't read the nuts on the left.
My left nut on the other hand....
Talk about a short read!
Ouch! Well, in the case of nuts, you sound like you may like to keep things bipartisan.
Regardless of which way the latest pole is leaning.
I guess you need to check to see which way the wind is blowing sometimes..
Ok, I'm done.
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