
My friends

You make me proud.

Black Hawk County - Obama.
Johnson County - Obama
Vigo County - Obama
Hennepin County - Obama
Essex County - Obama

And the rest of my family...

Tama County - Obama
Boone County - McCain (not for lack of support)
Chafee County - ? (not reported as of the time of this writing)


Stephen Cummings said...


Johnson County, Iowa residents tend to see themselves as a consitently blue county, regardless of outcome. Also, we were blue for Gore in 2000. Those damn media elites often forget this and paint Iowa as a ruby-red state (see last night's Daliy Show for an example, particularly John Stewarts ass-y comment.)

Dan said...

Hennepin County: Obama 64%
City of Minneapolis: Obama 82%

We represented.

Pat said...

McCain's principal base of support was old people and people with a high school education or less.

Something for him to be proud of.

Generations shift, each one more progressive than the last. The age of intolerance is waning, despite some lingering strongholds in the dark places of the Earth.