Funny, or not funny?
(note - I can't remember the last time I had to spell Albuquerque - it's a total bitch)
For my money, that Bugs Bunny gag is funny mostly by virtue of its repetition. It would have been far less funny if it only showed up in one episode.
I can't freaking see it. I get this "you don't have access" message. WTF
It's not critical to the discussion, just a picture of Bugs Bunny inside the concentric ellipses that were the intro to every WB cartoon of that era.
I can't see it either. Is this a movie?
word verification is ticking me off!
I see it. I also get it. The joke, that is. "I knew I shoulda took that left toin at Albuquerque."
Funny somewhat due to repetition. Funny, also, due to the multi-layers of humor (each of them not all that funny individually - but when taken as a whole...):
1. Fast digging! And with a map!
2. Where is he supposed to be going, had he taken that left turn at Albuqueque?
3. Upon finding himself in an exotic and unexpected locale, Bugs is typically unflappable.
4. etc. etc.
For the record, I have to spell Albuquerque a few times a year.
I never heard him say that before. Never liked watching Bugs. The Statesman's Russian background is showing through. Hard to enjoy cartoons from behind the Iron Curtain.
Your post is too American and is a reference 99% of kids growing up in the 70's have. Things aren't funny at all when they have to be explained.
I thought it was some obscure movie you, Dan, and maybe Steven have seen from Netflix.
Sorry for being the stick in the mud. I will go and punch a Republican for you.
Oh man.
No Bugs Bunny? That seems cruel.
Make sure the Republican knows why you punched them. It's only fair.
My intention with this post was to have something where everyone could participate (and fill space) and even with something as ubiquitous as Bugs, I have failed.
there's only one subject that "touches" us all, and it starts with "M"
Now that I can see your image, I confirm it's not vital to the context.
I know the joke, and it's funny to me because it suggests Bugs has a goal he's trying to achieve, but Alburquerque is some sort of Hell that throws him. Given his random series of shenanigans, it's a strangly specific problem to have.
what is really funny is that I found this cartoon that I night be using
I guess, "Bugs on the brain"
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