By its very nature, the middle doesn’t inspire people to speak out. As a result the edges are far more represented in congress and so two diametrically opposed groups face off with nothing in between (not unlike France in 1915).
Who is to blame?
Those that reside in the middle, and think back wistfully to the days when the congress got things done and didn’t waste our money and time with unproductive bickering. (whether this time ever existed is questionable at best - most significant legislation in our history was vehemently opposed by the other side)
They’ve allowed themselves to be pushed out of the process. They don’t show up for primaries. They don’t speak strongly for moderate candidates. They don’t get their voice heard.
Cynical politicians understand this, and have worked to increase the effect. They gerrymander voting districts to make sure that their specific party will always control that seat. They do everything in their power to reduce the number of people that participate in our democracy. And those in the middle sit back and do nothing, complaining about how shitty congress is, but not participating in the process that could change things.
Those that are motivated work their asses off to get their candidate elected. Primaries are dominated by the most extreme voices in each party. The narrowest interest groups wield power wildly disproportionate to their constituencies. Money talks, it shouts, it runs our government.
People see the government as something separate from themselves. Of the people, for the people, by the people is now lost to the mists of time. Government is now a giant corporation that fights our wars and expects us to pony up every April 15th. It doesn’t do our bidding. It is a faceless other.
For all of that, partisanship can be good. Compromise is not always possible or desirable. What compromise is their in slavery, in universal suffrage, in civil rights, in clean air and water? Entrenched interests fight tooth and nail to maintain the status quo, almost always to maintain their economic security. Not compromising with those interests is in humanity’s best interest. They are soulless bastards. Their views are reprehensible.
There are lots of other issues that we all should be able to compromise on. We should all be able to agree to do what is best for the most people. But with no representation in the middle, you’re left with only two sides waging war, who believe compromise is failure. A very famous and powerful Republican describes bi-partisanship as the equivalent of date rape. These are not people that are looking out for the well-being of the masses. They are evil, and they should be opposed with all we have.
The middle needs to rise up and take our government back. They seem to be waiting to be inspired by moderation. It will never happen. It is the antithesis of inspiration.
Definitely hard to be a radical moderate, which is what people seem to think we need more of.
And think used to exist.
They'd be the political equivalent of the dodo, but there is evidence the dodo existed.
Excellent post.
It these times, I think you have those people on the far left and far right, participating in the system in a highly partisan way. Then you have those people that John Stewart on the Daily Show described as "having other shit to do." Not to be brief or crass, but a lot of moderates have gotten bogged down in the of activities of daily life: needing to work extra hours to get ahead, taking care of family business, etc, etc. The political process has slipped away, and in some cases taken away.
I thought that you did a great job of illustrating the importance of partisanship. All that you said made a lot of sense. I guess I knew much of that already, but your post really brought it to the light of my thinking.
I should start to give some credit to those who really have the intentions that I am looking for in a politician. The guy from Minnesota that died in the plane crash was one of those guys who I thought was a noble man who actually cared. Not all canidates or politicians are jack asses, but there is only so much one can do agaist the corupt system. If everyone was as noble than we would be getting somewhere.
I have been guilty as an independent in that I have not been active or willing to do much research on a canidate because of my general dilike for the fighting and those bold asses that always seek the spotlight.
One thing that I notice, and it might not be intentional is the sincere dislike for the other party. They both generally hate each other. I see it in your writing and I see it in Dan's writing too. I completely understand the passion behind your values and that which alligns you with one party over the other, but how does that cause so much disqust. I guess that is one of the things that really sets me off by politics. And to tell you the truth, I can guess as to why the other party causes you so much grief.
When I say that I am an Independent I hope not to give you the idea that I am a comprimiser or watered down citizen. I have values in both arenas, which might seem unbelieveable or an crazy type of thing to be, but it is true. I believe in strong families, national defense, helping the poor, being environmental stewards l global warming, aginst abortion, and social programs that help Americans to get back on their feet.
This doesn't mean that it is okay to get into wars that are unfounded, or to vote against the someone just because of the abortion issue. I don't think that I should vote for a Republican just because I am a christian. Is it not christian to help those families in poverty get their heads above the water? I think it is just as important as the abortion issue.
Anyway, through all of this posting from the Meth and Hylton camps I have been spending a lot of time watching the canidates.
I am getting drawn toward Obama and Edwards. I know I said that I was favoring Romney and Edwards in some type of morph thing, but I am digging deeper and watch more closely since you guys got me thinking more about politics. I am attempting to crawl out of my comfort zone to learn more about the lot.
This might make you cringe, but something inside likes how Huckabee is running his campaign. I know Meth thinks he is an idot, but man I like him. He is inspiring me as much as O and E are.
Not against social programs to help Americans get back on their feet. It reads that way, but I am for helping them.
The sense of hatred springs from two sources...
If you pay attention, you'll notice a pattern of hypocrisy and outright lying that Republicans engage in at a whole different level than Democrats. It's not that Democrats aren't hypocrites and liars, it's just that they're playing junior high versus the pros on the R side of the equation.
I feel like they're trying to destroy my country, and/or strip the valuables on their way out the door.
I CAN see and DO see how you come to that conclusion. GW and his croonies have done an aweful job at running our country. I guess he thought that a president should ruin a country not run a country. I feel ashamed by this president and think that it is almost impossible to do a worse job of being president.
I will try to be more vigilant in seeing what each of the parties are doing. Thanks for getting my foot in the door Meth. I am still not ready to bardge right in, but I am willing to at lest peek through the small opening with my foot ajar.
Some great posting. And some bold listing out of your values, Clog.
Just to chime in, I don't think anyone is demonizing being a registered independent. Until last Thursday, I was. Four years ago, I felt no need to go to the caucus. Nothing moved me to go. I don't know if what just me or if I was a part of some shared apathy.
Absolutely not.
If "demonizing" anything, it's apathy. There's nothing more patriotic than being an active part of your democracy.
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