

"Thanks," Aaron.
1. Smoked cigarettes - Only once and the following day blood oozed from my chest.
2. Smoked a cigar -No.
3. Broken a CD - Yes.
4. Crashed a friend's car - No.
5. Stolen a car - No.
6. Been in love - Yup.
7. Been dumped - Yup.
8. Shoplifted - Not intentionally.
9. Been fired - No.
10. Been in a fist fight - No.
11. Snuck out of your house - No.
12. Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back - how could you not? Yes.
13. Been arrested - No.
14. Made out with a stranger - No.
15. Gone on a blind date - Sort of, and as a wingman.
16. Lied to a friend - Nothing significant, but probably of the white variety.
17. Had a crush on a teacher - one giant breasted science sub in high school.
18. Skipped school - Yes.
19. Slept with a coworker - Oh YEAH!
20. Seen someone die - Yes.
21. Been on a plane - Yes.
22. Thrown up in a bar - No.
23. Taken painkillers - Yes.
24. Love someone or miss someone right now - Yes and yes.
25. Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by - Yes.
26. Made a snow angel - Yes.
27. Played dress up - As an adult? Yes.
28. Cheated while playing a game - As an adult? No.
29. Been lonely - Yes.
30. Fallen asleep at work/school - Yes to both.
31. Used a fake id - No.
32. Felt an earthquake - Maybe.
33. Touched a snake - Yes.
34. Ran a red light - On purpose? Yes.
35. Been suspended from school - No.
36. Had detention - Yes, often as an elementary school student - I started off bad.
37. Been in a car accident - Yes.
38. Hated the way you look - Hate is too strong a word.
39. Witnessed a crime - Other than minor traffic infractions? Yes.
40. Pole danced - No.
41. Been lost - Yes.
42. Been to the opposite side of the country - Yes, of many countries.
43. Felt like dying - Yes.
44. Cried yourself to sleep - Not technically so.
45. Played cops and robbers - Yes. As an adult? No.
46. Sang karaoke - Yes.
47. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't - yes.
48. Laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose - No.
49. Caught a snowflake on your tongue - Yes.
50. Kissed in the rain - Probably, but not certain.
51. Sing in the shower - Often.
52. Made love in a park - No.
53. Had a dream that you married someone - Don't remember dreams.
54. Glued your hand to something - Yes, but insignificantly.
55. Got your tongue stuck to a flag pole - No.
56. Worn the opposite sex's clothes - As a child perhaps.
57. Had an orgasm - Yes.
58. Sat on a roof top - yes, even slept on several
59. Didn't take a shower for a week - Yes.
60. Ever too scared to watch scary movies alone - No.
61. Played chicken - No.
62. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on - No.
63. Been told you're hot by a complete stranger - No.
64. Broken a bone - Yes.
65. Been easily amused - Amost constantly.
66. Laugh so hard you cry - Yes.
67. Mooned/flashed someone - Yes.
68. Cheated on a test - Probably, but insignificantly.
69. Forgotten someone's name - Nearly everyone, the first time.
70. Slept naked - Yes though not a regular practice.
71. Gone skinny dipping in a pool - no pools, but rivers, lakes, and seas.
72. Been kicked out of your house - No.
73. Blacked out from drinking - No.
74. Played a prank on someone - Yes.
75. Gone to a late night movie - Yes.
76. Made love to anything not human - No. Unless my hand isn't 'human'.
77. Failed a class - Not even close.
78. Choked on something you're not supposed to eat - No.
79. Played an instrument for more than 10 hours - No.
80. Cheated on a gf/bf - No.
81. Ate a whole package of Oreos - No.
82. Thrown strange objects - Depends on your definition of strange.
83. Felt like killing someone - Not literally.
84. Thought about running away - No, unless you mean metaphorically.
85. Ran away - No.
87. Had detention and not attend it - No.
88. Yelled at parents - No.
89. Made parent cry - Only from joy.
90. Cried over someone - Yes.
91. Owned more than 5 puppies. - No.
92. Dated someone more than once - Yes.
93. Have a dog - Yes.
94. Have a cat - No.
95. Own an instrument - Yes.
96. Been in a band - Yes.
97. Had more than 25 sodas in one day - Jesus, no.
98. Made out with a member of the same sex - No, though I can't wait to hear from some others.
99. Shot a gun - Not a real gun.
100. Been online for more than 5 hours straight - all the time, though not as part of a chat room or something similar - more scattered than that.


Dan said...

-I can't believe ANYONE has had more than 25 pops in a day. Wouldn't that kill you?
- You don't need to fire a real gun, for you have fired "The Widow Maker," as well as the gun from Duck Hunt.

- Who dumped you?
- Who did you see die?
- Dress up as an adult? What's the deal with that?
- What did you do that you told yourself you wouldn't?

Pat said...

Dumped by Faith, sort of. It was somewhat mutual at the time, but also very painful.

I was in the room when my dad died.

Don't know - I've been to enough costume parties to make it a stupid question.

At least a few little things, on the order of....don't drink another beer or you'll regret it, and then 'gulp'.

Dan said...


I didn't know that about you dad. That's really heavy. If you don't mind a question of a sensitive nature, was the moment something for which you are grateful? Did you get the opportunity for the kind closure and opportunity to say "goodbye" that helped you in the long run?

Pat said...

I'm quite comfortable with it.

As with all things with my family, there is a funny twist to it.

As you may know(remember), we learned that my dad was terminal in about April. By about July we had a hospital bed set up in the living room and we were taking turns caring for him as he declined.

On the fateful night, he was having a horrible time breathing, so we calle dthe ambulance and Tom, Karen and I went to the hospital with him.

Got him stabilized to the point that it seemed that he was probably going to be going home and we were hanging out (he was sleeping) in the semi-private room that was one step up from the emergency room. Mostly we were being quiet, given that it was the middle of the night and we were pretty worn out, but there was this guy down the hall that cleared his throat louder than anything we'd ever heard. He was really working at getting a big phlegm ball out. And so that set us to laughing, really laughing. And when we'd finally settled down, we looked over, and dad was gone.

It gives me a fair amount of comfort to think that the last thing he heard was the sound of his children laughing, although I can also imagine him thinking, "Damn kids! Don't they know this is a hospital!" That too gives me some comfort.

So, we delivered our nearly last goodbyes, cursing him for sneaking off like that, and went home. It's actually very odd that you walk away from your loved one, leaving them in the care of the hospital and eventually the funeral home (what an odd name, funeral home), but what else are you going to do? Take him with you?

For what it's worth, I wasn't at the hospital when my mom died, but I was taking a crap when I learned. Not nearly as poignant, but it (her death) was expected.

Dan said...

Wow. Not sure I recall the story.

Thanks for sharing (again).

Pat said...

I've been thinking about a post on that for a while.

May still.

Dan said...
