
A trifecta

He said Cheney must have sincerely believed that Iraq could be a spawning ground for new terror assaults, because "otherwise I have to declare him a moron, an idiot or a nefarious bastard."

This from Lawrence (about damn time) Wilkerson, former aide to Colin Powell, who may be right on all three counts.


Dan said...

He's right, of course, but the question, unfortunately, is never so much whether there is anyone speaking out against the administration, or whether there is evidence implicating them, but whether enough people care and do anything about it.

Pat said...

I think the train has finally left the station and is picking up steam. People like Wilkerson add a greater level of credibility to the argument, as opposed to the lefty blogs. It's all going to come out, late as it may be, and people will be aghast. We will then have 10 years of soul searching, after which we will revert to doing ecactly the same thing.

Dan said...

I'm not so hopeful that the disapproval rating will get much lower than it already is. Think of the people who jumped ship and spoke out against the administration in the past. The only people willing to listen were people that already hated Bush.

Pat said...

I have a sense of optimism.

If nothing else, things probably can't get worse, especially since Republicans in congress aren't just doing what they're told any more. They're not likely to approve anything outlandish that might be the last act of desperate men.

Dan said...

Unless somehow they win the war of words during the Iraq pullout. That's what I'm most worried about; that they managed to spin it so well that the general perception of our country is that we succeeded and his approval rating goes back up.

Pat said...

That would be truly a act of magic.

We will hear about the shit hole that is Iraq for years. No way in hell can they spin that to the positive for any length of time.

Dan said...

No, but there can be a line to tow of "well, we did everything we can do; if they can't take it from here it's there fault." And LOTS of people would buy that, if given the chance. Search the minds of your fellow citizens and you'll know this to be true.

Pat said...

".....and they are SOOOOO dumb!"


It'll be the most amazing job of seeing a turd and calling it grape jelly, ever.

Dan said...

Well, there was the Nov. 2004 Presidential Election.

To quote myself, circa late Oct. 2004: "He's got nothing. NOTHING."

Dan said...

Whatever happened to the "NakedBible" blog, by the way? I was checking out some year-old posts to see the things we were talking about around election time. Kinda interesting.

For me, Zephyr was not yet in the picture, and I had just attended my first indie film ever.

Pat said...

NakedBible was determined to be more tedious than fun, and like all such sudden fascinations, flared briefly and faded into obscurity.

And now you're SO into the indie film scene. Hard to imagine such a life changing event so recently.

Dan said...

Enough said about Naked Bible. None of us need to apologize by our littered remains of unfinished projects. Was it two years ago Oliopolis was to be a music review magazine?

On the indie film thing-so interesting how much things can change in a year. Just when you think your lifestyle and tastes are evolved as far as they need to go, you continue to change. Would make it more interesting than ever to get that time capsule email.

Would also be extremely interesting to save our personal blogs, after all, as text files.

Pat said...

Blogger should offer some service to compile your blog and output it to you - maybe they do?

Dan said...

I think they do. That's what I'm counting on with the whole Lucy Loo.