There are times when people use the term fraction to make a point about some total being significantly smaller than another. For example - something might cost a fraction of what a similar item costs. It's always smaller, at least by implication, but why?
Mathematically speaking a fraction is "An expression that indicates the quotient of two quantities, such as 1/3" but as we all learned in 3rd grade fractions can also be greater than 1, such as 3/2 or 5/3.
Next time someone tries to convince you you're getting a bargain by using the word fraction - watch out - you've been warned.
That concept I could see incorporated into a comedy bit-Woody Allen, maybe.
Woody: I'll be there in a fraction of a second! (aside to camera) Of course, that fraction is 37/2...
The line in your but creates a fraction of two halves. Two halves makes one complete butt.
And T-Clogs beltline, when he has pulled his jeans halfway down, creates a fraction bar. Two butt-halves on top, and a butt on the bottom; e.g. 2/1.
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