
Another The Passion of The Christ rant.

May watch Passion someday on video, but I have some real reservations about a movie that ignores what I think is Jesus' central message, and instead seems to lay blame. It also is in sharp contradiction to historical fact, and even biblical writings.

Pontius Pilate WAS a bastard. He was removed from his position as sub-governor because he was TOO cruel. He was not a gentleman by any stretch. The people who wanted Jesus gotten rid of had to do it secretly because the people of Jerusalem were strongly for him. The arranged with Judas to know when Jesus would be in a secluded spot and they could take him without fuss. If you show only the crowd after that point you miss out on some of the subtlety of the story. There is a well documented history of 'Passion Plays' sparking hatred of Jews, and from what I understand the portrayal of Jews in this movie does nothing but follow the simplest of stereotypes.

I can understand that watching the suffering of someone you respect (or at least the portrayal of that person) could be quite moving, but keep in mind that throughout the ages there are countless stories of high-minded people being made an example of by those currently in charge. Giordano Bruno defied the church and said that the earth was not the center of the universe - for this he was burned at the stake. And remember the 'one more stone' guy from the Witch Trials in Salem, MA. That guy died an excruciating death, crushed slowly over a period of DAYS.

The world is filled with injustice, and focussing on the despair and missing the hope that the people suffering were about is the wrong way to look at things.

And it doesn't help that Mel Gibson is a religious nut, and that his father doesn't believe the holocaust happened.

Have I been incorrect all these years by not include the article the in my blasphemous profanity? Should I have been saying 'The Christ almighty!' and 'Jesus fucking The Christ!' Not so sure about that. Think I'll stick with the old favorites.

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